
From WaiWiki
Revision as of 16:23, 20 September 2017 by RRM (talk | contribs) (2016)

On this page all EcoSanGhana expenses are listed. These costs are specified on the pages dedicated to the various items/projects. This list is 100% complete and 100% public. Costs not listed are expenses not refunded. All related, but unlisted costs (management, travelling costs, webhosting, fundraising etc) have been covered by volunteers/members of the board of direction, and thus are no expenses of EcoSanGhana.


"FloFlo" - The percussion drill tower used for drilling bore holes: initial costs €3500, owned by Thijs Klompmaker (and thus no cost, nor an asset)


"Casing pipes" - From China, 100 meter pipes for lining the boreholes: €1172,- (Prefinanced by Thijs Klompmaker)

"Standard waterpumps" - From Belgium, for shallow wells. Costs for 5 pumps: €745,- (Prefinanced by Thijs Klompmaker)

"Solar powered waterpumps" - From China, for deep wells. Costs for 3 complete sets: €1218,- (Prefinanced by Thijs Klompmaker)

"Import Casing Pipes" - Import of casing pipes from China (in)to Ghana, Tema: 1155 euro (pre-financed by Thijs Klompmaker)

"Tekyekrom-1" - Our 2nd project. Yet unfinished. Costs for the first phase (drilling for water): €284,-

"Tekyekrom-2" - Our 3rd project. Yet unfinished. Costs for the first phase (drilling for water): €792,-


Donation and 3 refunds (A,B and C)
  • 11-09-2017 - Donation by Grand Cafe L'Opera in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • 13-09-2017 - Refund (A) of casing pipes to Thijs Klompmaker: 1171.95 euro
  • 13-09-2017 - Refund (B) of cast iron waterpumps (excluding transport to Ghana) to Thijs Klompmaker: 684.86 euro
  • 13-09-2017 - Refund (C) of solar powered waterpumps to Thijs Klompmaker: 1218.16 euro